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伊日藝術計劃 YIRI ARTS | A selection of LOUIS WU
藝術家:吳敏興出版單位:財團法人伊日美學生活基金會初版一刷:2015年1月ISBN:978-986-9057-72-1規格:415頁/26.6 × 36.6 cm/精裝
uid = ptsMiddleCategoryName = type = ptsMiddleCategoryCode = buyType = startTime = ptsLargeCategoryCode = extendedBuyTypeLink = TagSizeName = useTryOn = InternetName = virtualInventory = tryOnID = videoDesc = webShowColor = pisCode = TagAstigmatismName = listPagePicture = code = listPageRenderInColor = mainPicture = price = google_product_category = expireDate = descName3 = ptsLargeCategoryName = descName2 = salePrice = descName1 = webShowSize = expireTime = startDate = webShowAxialDegree = MainCategoryName = useMarketAmerica = TagAxialDegreeName = MainGoodsSerNo = customFormatContent = GoodsDescription3 = GoodsDescription2 = GoodsDescription1 = TagColorName = briefDescription = specificSupplier = htmlDesc = useLINEShopping = MainGoodsCode = MainCategoryRankMark = webShowAstigmatism = MainCategoryCode = tag_Title = featuredLabels = ptsCategorySerNo = isHidden = categoryList = htmlKeyWords = htmlHeadContent = showImagesByGoods = showGoodsDescCSS = showGoodsDescNameTabsCSS = GoodsPropertiesRestrictType = MapSizeName = gp2Code = OrderAmount = SizeName = ColorName = ColorCode = WebSizeName = SaleAmount = TaxedEqualPrice = gp2Name = gp2ECName = AstigmatismName = GoodsEName = ptsAddedGoodsColorName = AxialDegreeName = GoodsStyleCode = GoodsPicture = GoodsName = MapAxialDegreeCode = LastAmount = GoodsCode = GoodsCodeEncode = LargeCategorySerNo = GoodsSerNo = gpCode = TaxedListPrice = WebColorName = GoodsCodeValue = AstigmatismCode = BrandCode = MapColorName = orderBatchAmount = SellSeason = GoodsColorPicture = gpName = MapColorCode = gpECName = AxialDegreeCode = MapSizeCode = SizeCode = InternationalBarcode = MapAstigmatismCode = BrandName = BrandSerNo = Picture = ColorRefType = colorPicker = colorTag = WebPrice = WebOnSalePrice = WebOnSalePriceMap = GGPDSerNo = realUri = isAbleToBuy = TotalStyleInfoStr = OtherColorStr = GoodsOtherSizeStr = GoodsOtherAstigmatismStr = GoodsOtherAxialDegreeStr = showPrice = showSalePrice = minPrice = maxPrice =
A Selection of LOUIS WUArtist|Louis Wu
ISBN|9789869057721Publisher|YIRI LIVING FOUNDATION1st Edition|2015 Jan.Specification|Hardback/415 pages/28×38 cm